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Zeth Enterprises
About people you SUrround yourself with
"No friends have I, I feel alone, totally alone […] I go far away, far away to Mars" was saying friend Smiley around 2010 because wasn't hired, didn't have money, friends or luck. You say that you're tired of looking for true friends around you? I think I even see you in the darkness with a lantern...
" you know, we people usually know best how to find excuses, pretexts... call them what you like. I mean, even the those stupid superstitions (excuse me) which don't allow you to do house chores on that day because of ex or why ([x]; [y]), just because God we celebrate some special day or whatnot, just because it isn't right..."
"outside walks the dragon which dominates our lifes... yes, sir! he even killed John Wick
look out where you put that declaration though